
Friday, October 30, 2015

Power Rangers Movie cast, all rangers reviled

Sources Tokunation
Becky Gomez Yellow Ranger 2017 Power Rangers Movie
Today is the day that we have our last ranger announce for who will be in the new Power Ranger move, our Yellow Ranger Becky Gomez. And for a recap of all of the rangers who has been announce Red ranger- Dacre Montgomery, Blue Ranger- RJ Cyler  Black Ranger- Ludi Lin’s, the already stated Becky Gomez as yellow, and finally our Pink Ranger Naomi Scott. So yah so many different races and a very good diversity cast.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Megaman and Astro Boy In Death Battle

So today Screwattack has announce today the next Death Battle will be a fight will be between Mega Man and Astro Boy. Now being a very Huge Mega Man fan with Mega Man X 1 being my favorite game of all time I feel I should through my hat into the ring and give my option with this Death Battle. from the preview I we did get Mega Man will have his mega Buster and his other Mega Buster as well and I assume he will have Rush with him as well and also doing the Rush Adapter as well. for powers well if they they give him a limit I want Mega Man to use the  Thunder Shot, the Metal Blade, the Shadow Blade, Rain Flash, Napalm bomb, Silver Tomahawk, Freeze Cracker, Flame Sword, Black hole bomb, and finally the Triple Blade.

My knowledge for Astro Boy is sadly not that much  compare to the Blue Bomber himself but I guess I will be informed when they Do Astro Boy in their charter break down (and speaking of Astro Boy I'm a really huge fan of like the art style of Osamu Tezuka. No I imagination that this will be a 16 bit looking sprite animation since the last one they did was a complete CGI battle. I'm very much looking forward to this match since I do Love Mega Man a lot and I do hope he wins, but If Astro Boy wins If they can explain it then I will surly accepted it, but rooting for more Mega Man tough and this will Air on November 11th.

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New Kamen Rider Ghost Forms 10-28-15

Sources Tokunation
Lot to talk about here so let's shale we?   

 First up here is Kamen Rider Specter with 2 new Eyecons the Nobunaga and Tutankhamun Damashiis which both are cool looking and I think maybe that the Tutankhamun Damashii very may well be my favorite Damashii out of all of them, I mean I think we never seen a very light blue teal color with gold, it just looks cool. and more cool is that Specter will also have the Edison Eyecon, and this could bring a new aspect of the show one having more Eyecons then the other and will be like a game of cat and mouse (and even more so when Kamen Rider Necrom joins the show). 

  1 new Damashii/ Eyecon is the Beethoven Eyecon and it looks like just what a Piano would look like since Beethoven was a world famous Pianist.

Next up is Billy the Kid Eyecon and that raises a bunch of questions since watching that Tree house of horror episode of the Simpsons/doing a quick google perch Billy the Kid was a out law who stole a lot but hey maybe it is historic Eyecons. and Billy the Kid Damashii will also include the Bat Clock weapon.

 here we are getting the look at the TV-Kun special and gives Ghost the Ikkyu Damashii and that is really all the info on this that we have for the moment.

And since it is the season and all here are the Halloween Eyecon and Christmas Eyecon and also the Kamehameha Eyescon and no that does not give him energy to shoot from his hands.

So much awesome Ghost stuff here and it seems very hype for it to be in the show.

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MagiYellow will make a cameo in Ninninger


Yet another cameo for Ninninger  which is MagiYellow reprise by his original actor Hiroya Matsumoto. His Cameo he will be in November and the description for what the episode is about is " He is Yakumo's magic teacher, and for some reason, he appears in front of his student". This is yet another cameo Ninninger will have and it is cool seeing Hiroya Matsumoto in Sentai again since he was Beat Buster in Go-Busters, and hay maybe this cameo episode will not suck like the other 2 since this one will not be focusing on Takaharu and Takaharu sucks, A LOT.

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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Power Rangers 2017 movie Red Ranger cast

Dacre Montgomery 
Yes we now have our new Red Ranger for the Power Rangers movie coming in 2017 and the actor name is Dacre Montgomery. this will be the first thing he will ever act in so yah I do not want to say anything but he has some big shoes to fill in so no pressure guy just saying, and this is it really, bu say tune for updates. 

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Monday, October 19, 2015

Digital-Ranger Fresh Thoughts in Kamen Rider Ghost Episode 1

Kamen Rider Drive was a show I thought was fun, I man the show in the beginning was OK but the first 20 episodes pretty much did not do that much in the show, really things did not start getting fun till like the main charter in the show died. But nowhere we are with Kamen Rider Ghost and when it is next ear it will be the 45th anniversary of Kamen Rider Which that is just all kinds of awesome.

The Show Begin main charter dad dyeing right in front of him (remember this is a kids show :P) and then we cut back to our main Rider for the show Takeru Temkuji pretty much sleeping while reading a book called Heroic Icons... HA -_-. And then introduce to our 2 other main charters for the show the female lead for the show Akari Tsukimura (and well maybe even love interest) and our other male lead Onari. Akari then finds Takeru in (what I'm calling the Ghost cave because it is well like the bat cave but for Ghost) and we see how our supporting charters will act in the show, Akari is the one who is more logical thinker and everything can be explain WITH SCIENCE (I’m only kinda joking she brought a freaking torch and like no explanation why), and his Onari is more of a spherical person and believes in ghost which is what him a Takeru are both in training to  fight off Ghost, and Takeru himself is in the middle of it with being friends to both and is well both for Spiritual and believing in technology.

The city then gets report about attacks in the city but nothing is there which means ghost are attacking the city and it is and that includes them attacking the mail man that was holding an very impotent package and delivers it to Takeru. The funny thing here is that the mail man still delivers the package even though he is getting attack by a monster, the postal service will deliver anything to anyone not matter rain, sleet, snow, or monsters monster attacks. Now an pretty awesome Easter egg is here the mail man name is Onodera and the creator of Kamen Rider real name was Shotaro Onodera, so it is a man named Onodera starting a Kamen Rider journey off, now that is a great way to do a anniversary season. Inside the packaging was an Eyecon the show's gimmick of the show and it is creepy but I say it does look cool and it pulled a back to the future 2 and saved it years latter for an emergency like this. 

So then Takeru then goes and get the monsters only he can see (since he touch the Eyecon) and well it does not work and well he dies (boy he sure die fast but hey better then a lot of other rider I can count). NO he is not completely dead he is then put into purgatory and meets a man bY the name of Sennin (which translate into Sage so for the rest of the review I will referee to him as Sage). Sage tells Takeru that the Ganma (which is the name of the monsters of the week he will be fighting) want the Eyecon and also inside that Eyecon Takeru is holding has his soul and then tell him if he get the 15 souls of the luminary Eycos he will live again, and says he can fight those ghost as Kamen Rider Ghost, also on his journey we have a cute little monster known as Yurusen.
Takeru is brought back to life and Yurun tells him how his belt works and hen Henshin into Kamen Rider Ghost. I like the Ghost Design I mean the head looks like Deadpool (Deadpool Kamen Rider yes ALL OF THE YES) I man him having a jacket but it looks nice and is one of those things that will grow on you)

Takkeru then fights the 2 ghost monsters and him summing his sword is just sourta like wizard ghost can even fly then ghost does his finishing kick which we will hardly see in the show and finish off one of the ghost monster, ghost then fallows the other monster on his bike and yah not a fan of his bike, it’s just not really that good looking, and the other monster then summon the grunts of this show (which that I like and the chest of them remind me of Black Ghost from Cyborg 009 which again was what the creator of Kamen Rider did or you could see it as the shocker Grunts from the original series). 

Then Takkeru gets the Musahi Eyecon (it does feel a bit like he did get it out of nowhere in the show) and get the Mushai Eyecon then the opening for ghost plays which sounds a lot like a Anime song then a Kamen Rider opening, I do not hate it but it is not Kamen Rider, to me. Takkeru comes back to his home after finishing off the other monster and then takes off his shoes which are real and he finds out that he can become visible and not visible. Then Sage tells him he has only 99 days left to live or else he will stay dead.

This was a good first episode, sure some things felt a little rushed but there are some good stuff in here, The charters seems unique with believing in both since and spectral stuff, the gimmick of our main charter being dead and trying to live it cool, and I do really like the Refinances to other Rider seasons so far, the original and the creator, the suit with no hoodie looks like a Rio Trooper, and the summing ring with the flash reminds me of flashing like Kuuga, Amazon and Rx, and the seal with summing the weapon is a lot like Wizard too. A complaint I do have well there is a bit of shaky came in the beach fight and GOD I want Shaky Cam to go away forever, and also the Eyescons will get out of hand real quick I mean there are Ghost Eyecons, Spector with his own Eyecons and another new Rider named Necrom that is like a new toy each episode, the gimmick will get a lot out of hand this year than other years that is for sure. But I have hope for this season and hope the best for this show.

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Thursday, October 15, 2015

New info on Juuouger 10-15-15

new info on the newest 2016 Super Sentai is here from Dukemon22 and here is the new info we have on Juuouger

Sources Jefusion

Possible animal spirits for each rangers:

Red - Gorilla, Elephant or the traditional leader animal, Lion.

Blue - Whale

Yellow - Giraffe or Tiger

Pink - Flamingo

Green - Crocodile or Lizard

With a new color mentioned, Gun Metal, that is a Bat.

Possible name for mecha is Jungle-Oh or Mojuu-Oh

Collectible item for next year is called Kibaholder/Fangholder

Series is a Follow-up to Gaoranger

Pink is a princess and will be called a JuuOujou/Beast Princess

A rumor was also listed that "astronaut" and "princess" are the series keywords

And as usual, take this rumor with a grain of salt. Let's all wait till a catalog surfaces this December.

I kinda felt a bit dead when it said it is a fallow up on Gaoranger, because well it's Gaoranger and Gaoranger was not all that great if I'm being honest. Still, Still, Still keeping high hopes up for this to be good because Sentai really needs a victory.  

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Monday, October 12, 2015

Power Rangers 2015 NYCC 2015 coverage

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Power Rangers Legacy Falconzord First Look NYCC 2015

Let's just get right into this and begin with the Legacy Falcon Zord and wow is this one impressive piece of plastic, and the best part is that it is not $80.00 but $70.00 now, it is better but I still think dropping the price down to a lease $10.00 more might have had made it better epically with no electronics and no chrome. I do have a little complaint though, the gold is not what it looks like in the show this is a darker gold almost looking like a brown color, which scares me because of GPS syndrome with the feet 0_0. On the bright side it has been said that the Legacy Falcon Zord will NOT HAVE ANY ZORD BUILDER PORTS which is good I think so that the Zord can be better with combining.

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yes we are getting Legacy Communicators with each wrist band being interchangeable which is cool and I made a joke that would be real if they did that but I was right I guess.

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And already scans from Chinese photos of the new Dino Super Charge stuff with a Ankylo Zord and a Deinosuchus Zord with also a repaint of the Pachy Zord, the Raptor Zord and the Para Zord. the main reason why they chose this color scheme is to homage the Dino Thunder Zords color which I do not mind all that much Since Abaranger is my favorite Sentai of all time . and wait is that... I MY GOD LORD HELIX.


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