Sorry that this post was late but I had some ear problems
when I got back from my trip so I had that taken care of so that’s all good and
done with.
Power Morphicon 2016 was probably was one of if
not the best experiences I have had in my life so far. YES for those of you
that did not know either did not catch up with me on either social media or
just not seeing this in the first place I went to Power Morphicon 2016 and
really all I have to say is that it was just so awesome. And really that is how
I just feel like ending this blog post with me just saying it was awesome. But I
have to go into detail why it was so awesome in the first place.

On Friday
at PMC 2016 I got to meet my awesome friend Nathan (AKA the Silver Knight) from
the Otaku-Sentai Digiranger Podcast in person. Which… YEAH that just made my experience
going even more awesome. Since both me and Nathan are a part of a podcast we
talk to the guy who gives us our passes and what is also cool is that Riz (AKA
the Blue Commander) from the podcast, and he got both me and Nathan press
passes (so now I really can say that I knew a guy who knew a guy who knew a guy
who to get me press passes in early at a con HE HE). Getting into the con early
we saw there was this cool big Dino Charge Megazord their which was a cool
looking display base which was pretty cool.
that we mostly bought toys the rest of the day I mean we meet some cool people
and also but mostly buy toys all days, :P. I’ll go into more detail when I get
into the meet people categories and also haul as well but yeah wait on that.
on Saturday that is when the awesome happen because both Me and Nathan did so many
cool things. I mean when he went to go see ASJ (I waited for him since I saw
him yesterday) so I went to the Dino Charge Ninja Steel Panel which was so
awesome seeing. I absolutely love seeing all the Dino Charge cast with the
bloopers. Speak of which I really miss the bloopers at the end of Power Ranger
episodes, like it was so fun to watch (my personal favorite as a kid was the Psycho
Rangers speaking Spanish). What made going all the better was seeing the Ninja
Steel cast (which I will make a future blog post after this one so stay tune
for that) and seeing Koda’s actor Yoshi Sudarso brother playing Ninja Steel
Blue is just the best and same for Koda’s expression was also the best. After
that we got to do a bunch of interviews of some Ranger actors. I was his camera
man so I will make a separate blog post for that and also Nathan was the one
who interview the actors I did not 1 bit since I suck being on camera I mean
look how much I studding in the podcast reviews.
Actors/ Famous People
mean to start off with the first person I had a chance to meet E.Z. Rider and
it was not even 10 minutes I mean WOW that is how you start a con right meeting
a person.
After that I meet Data Base Ranger who was a cool guy meeting
him in person, now while i did not get their pictures because i had stuff to do
and they had things to do I meet like Bruno from MMPR Toys and John from Mr.
Weenie Productions I like did meet them, really I did, BELIEVE ME, PLEASE?
Then from there I meet ranger actors I meet Yūta Mochizuki
in person. I meet an Sentai actor now in person, can cross that off the bucket list.
AND, and had both Him and ASJ sign my Power Rangers Super Mega force
figure I had when that came out. let it be said that I have had meet both ASJ and Yūta Mochizuki in person now.
I was super happy to meet FREAKING Sean Cw Johnson from Lightspeed, and since Light Speed was my favorite
season there was this was an honor meeting the Indian Jones of Power Rangers,
oh yes that is what he thinks of himself, and I also got a sign picture of him
as well, It's hard to see but it this was the most badass picture of him
because Carter, he’s awesome plain and simple.
Speaking of Lightspeed I meet Rhett Fisher who was Ryan from
Light Speed and he too was awesome. He let me hold the Titanium Ranger helmet (I
almost fated when that happen (no joke).
The last person I meet with a picture with was Dan
Southworth AKA Eric and wow I did not believe my friend Nathan when he said he
was awesome, after I meet him Nathan was right he was awesome, he was really awesome,
understatement. I meet Nel Kaplen who is just a seal Guy, and who it's ironic
to hear the voice of Diaboligo from his actually somewhat light sounded voice
it's like WOW.
I think
the actor I enjoyed meeting the most was not any of the rangers but Eddie
Frierson, I mean wow is he just such an awesome guy, I mean it he really is
cool and I am so grateful that I got to meet him in person, and I do mean this whenever
you have a chance to meet him DO because he is so Awesome of an guy like words cannot
describe hum, like just meet him in person is all. And SO SO SO regret not getting a picture with him now. maybe next time.
ALSO we got one of those Dinosaur cosplayers which yeah that was a thing alright.
The Haul
Now to like the toys I got a bunch really and i spent like
not a too, too, too much I think. also please forgive the bad lighting, my old camera for toy reviews died, and my phone was the only ting I had on had with me.
first off the stuff that I did get the at the con that everyone go (I was silver ranger pass)
For Sentai and PR, first off the Abarekiller’s sword the
Wing Pentactwhich I got because I love Abareranger so much I had to get
something from the show and this was awesome and best part only 20 bucks so
getting that was awesome. But what's even more awesome then that a
Gaburevolver, I’ve been really wanting this thing for such a long time. After
messing around with it for some time and it's as great as everyone says it is
and like it feels really good in the hand with me having big man hands. I only
got 3 Zyudenchie yes but I was saving my money as usual (I could just get all
box with all the Zyudenchies).

My last PR/SS item the Zenth Carrier Zord, like I always
loved this thing and this design has always like and I never had a chance to
get it but I got it and like the best part is that it was only $25.00 dollars. I
mean yeah it has a bunch of scrapes, a piece missing and missing all the mini
figures but considering that this is how it looked like in the show for the
most part I don’t care really all that much.
Moving away from PR/SS to Kamen Rider I finally got a
Sengoku Driver on the cheap, 55 with orange lock seed. Now I always wanted this
thing and finally glad I have it I mean it has no Baron face plate or lock see
and trying to find that will be hard but still glad to have this thing but
since my favorite Rider is Zangetsu that will be had to get a Zangetsu face
Now for Lockseeds I got the Kuuga Lockseed because Kuuga is
#1 baby and the Ahnk Lockseed because well it's like a commendation of both me and
Nathan relationship as friends and this proves it as well, I would say I got the
last one but there were a total of 2 and 1 left after I got this :P.
Believe it or not but I found some Pokémon and Digimon stuff
as well, I got the DarkKnightmon vinyl and a Kabuterymon sticker and a Japanese
Mewtwo with Master Ball and keeping him in the box yes I am that guy that keeps
all his toys in boxes and have fun at them just by looking at them.
Singed stuff from both Sean CW and Neil Kaplan
And finally my most prize things at PMC 2016
this. I had everyone from Power Rangers Time Force sign my Time Force VHS tape I
mean wow just wow! this like all day Saturday to do but it was worth it I mean
all day long just getting everyone to sign this (including Neil Kaplin because
he was the voice of Gluto and I know I forget that monster name too) but this
was pure awesome. and the best part when I had Erin Cahill sign my VHS last he
has super happy and gave me free candy (yeah for some reason the Time Force
rangers got candy so that happen) and I got a free hug, and it's a bit mind
blowing since Jen was this super gruff and tough person when in reality she is
super sweat and nice.
over all this was probably the best time I had ever I mean this was just
awesome meeting more PR fans and really I can't express how much fun I had
their. SO, will I go to PMC 2018? OH HELL NO! this was a super expensive on my
part and also my family, were not really that rich you see and this was a 1
time thing, and even then I lost a lot of my own personal money, I mean for God
sake this was a birthday Christmas birthday gift you see I don't have a job is
the thing so because this was a 1 time thing that is why i spent as much as I
did. But I did have fun and whenever my next con is I hope I will enjoy it.