
Sunday, January 29, 2017

Saban's Masked Rider Review Part 2

Update Before we get started an update, I have gone back to Digital-Ranger once again Stuff happened so please forgive my for that I do apology for doing that.
The Charters

Yes I am going into Detail on these charters because these charters pretty bad honestly

Dex/ Mask Rider

As the main character of the show and the Mask Rider Himself, he is pretty bland (but easily Saban TV show and what do you expect). But he really shouldn't be because he's a prince, from another planet, his mom and dad are implied dead, and probably the import thing also is his uncle is trying to take his powers and rule his planet. But none of this is ever explained on at ALL! Now here is what pisses me off about Dex that not many people talk about.

When Dex arrives in a neighborhood instead of going to things like the police or the millinery or president to alert them or get help with him fighting off against this alien armada. Which has already rules over his planet and probably going to do the same to this one? If he told people about this then he could have had gotten some resources to help him out to down Count Dregon Sooner. But instead live his life as a normal Teenager in Highschool... but WHY? WHY DOES HE NEED TO BE A TEENAGER IN HIGHSCHOOL, HE'S GOING TO BE A PRINCE WHEN HE GROWS UP!

Which leads me into my 2nd complaint about Dex. He NEVER at all acts like a prince or takes any actions what so ever, instead of learning and becoming a prince he's a jackass doing things on earth which he could be doing to try and save his already Doomed Planet! Instead of training and becoming better he watches TV all Night Long. So he is dooming his planet and probably Earth because he would rather watch TV instead of using his vast array of powers to end Count Dregon as possible. and it's more unearthing when at the end of the show Dex doesn't even come back to his own Planet! So Fuck you DEX, FUCK YOU for dooming your whole race and killing everyone on your planet and Earth!  FUCK YOU DEX! you are one of the WORST RIDER EVER! FUCK YOU DEX!

The Stewart Family
They are basic as well are basically any stereotype family sitcom family who are tropes then actually family (and also Sitcoms need to die about a decade ago). A personal thing that made me mad was how the family reacted to worse Dex and his arrival to earth and how they had no reaction to it at all. they just accepted Dex being an Alien in the first place and there was really no reaction AT ALL.  Considering that he has all these crazy powers that I listed off in part one that is a lot to take in. In my opinion, it would have helped if there was a Straight man in the family who reacted to all the crazy that Dex did in this show, it would have helped this show a lot instead of being annoying. I mean the mom cares more about her garden getting crushed is more important then there is an alien that is.

Molly & Herby
A poor man's bulk and skull if I ever saw one. They nothing more than a carbon copy of Bulk and Skull from Season 2 of Mighty Morphin, the find out who is under the mask as it were. And as such, they are just there for slapstick humor and for other jokes as well. And I just don't feel like talking about them since THEY SUCK REALLY!

The Music
The opening of this show SUCKS! The Prologue of this show takes up about 32 seconds of the 1 minute and opening. But after that, the rest of the opening is nothing more than just the show saying MASKED RIDER over and over again with some generic/ bland guitar riff music. Here's a good question for you all, Saban's Masked Rider Music or Neo Saban's Music?

Now for the Background Music... I will forgive IF and ONLY IF the Music was used in the Digimon Dub. Otherwise, the music is just OK and ONLY OK! Although even the Digimon Dub only used the good background songs in this show. But even then when the music is playing the good songs they screw up also with them playing light-hearted music over the villains talking.

The Good

Robo Rider
As I said before I do give the American team that they honestly did a rather OK job wth how they handled it But then again how Toei has handled the charter is pretty disgusting in making him the evilest villain ever.

The 2 Transformation Sequences
Again I give this to the American team also with the first Transformation sequence Dex has. While Super Blue did not get one sadly these 2 transformation sequences Dex has are still acceptable transformation sequences. With that being said that will be all the good things I will say about this show and now it is time for numerous amount of bad in the show.

The Bad

The Writing
The writing is just plain awful, cringe, bad, disgusting,  and just downright GARBAGE. There are some ideas and potential here (with the rider 2 Parter) but any potential is quickly diminished or just outright awful. if you have seen the first 2 episodes you have seen them all. Just a bad Power Rangers Knock Off, bad filler episode in general, Cringe-worthy in dialogue at times. Something's be both 40 episodes long and also have no story attached to it at all which mean absolutely nothing in the long run. with AGAIN Dex's Powers!


The Villains
They're BAD, JUST BAD! At first, they seemed ok they even had a good reason on why they send only a monster a week to fight Dex which was if there were too much of them it would be too much for Count Dregon to handle. BUT quickly shot down because 1 episode he just sent then down 1 after another., WHY DID He just do this all the time? To be 40 episodes long.
But it is still worse since again they could spy on Dex whenever they wanted to at any angle and just thrown a bomb in his house then they felt like it. I know I keep repeating myself on this but it is only because this flaw is so glaring it HURTS!

The Cinematography
Out of everything bad in this show, this would have to take the cake! besides how the stock footage used/ censored. Whenever there are American fight scenes at all with it being stiff, badly made, or just hard to keep track of what is happening in the first place.What is even worse is that the Masked Rider in the MMPR season 3 premiere handled the fight scenes better in just about every aspect.
The worst it got was in episode 14 where they used the ZO movie footage and in it and when Dex defeats the monster from ZO the episode then ends not even doing anything regarding about the previous monster as well. yes, this is how badly the stock footage is used in this show/ the people on this did not care at all! even at the time, they did not use their own pyrotechnics for some shots which are what this image right here is. Speaking of the footage how the footage was used was just used to burns footage weather if it makes sense or not where scenes go from a rocky mountain to a library with no explanations well.  but also the ZO and J movie footage are so obvious it really is just the worst.

Or whenever Dex Transformers sequence plays out in full and you have to see his transformation sequences 2x in every episode. Could you imagine if Toei did that in a real Kamen Rider show (oh wait for Ex-Aid shows off the full transformation sequence in every episode)? Or the time could be spent on Ferbus getting his friends in danger,  and he waste so much damn time as well with could have gone to doing anything else (or they used it to basically to fill out time for the episode which ever works I guess also this little furry bastard is like super smart and also knows how to protect himself from a burger but yet not know how to open a box. but

Final Verdict
This is a pretty bad show and that's all really!
Before you ask this show defiantly get the X Various Award seal of failure because it's so bad.
where this goes on my rider show rankings is down at the bottom but still would want this over FAIZ NOWHERE ME OUT!

Why I Chose Saban's Masked Rider is because it is bad. BUT I would also argue that if you're good at riffing this would be a good riff on for just how bad a show it is. But with Faiz, it is so serious, so bad, so edgy, and just hard to get through it leaves you lifeless and just wanting to get it over with (or how I felt in the show)!Saban's Masked Rider is just plain garbage show with bad acting, bad cinematography, bad music, bad charters, and just BAD EVERYTHING REALLY!  and this show really really was just a cash in on Power Rangers by Saban himself and this show really is best-left-forgotten in the past. but sadly stuff from this show and even era still plague the Neo Saban Era. Looking back at this stuff as well these are still problems that are still inherent in the Neo Saban Era of Power Rangers as well with things like something's cringe dialog, villains with little personality, sometimes bad fight scenes. Maybe it could change soon or maybe not that is left up to the future.

So yeah People I am back now and coming back with a bang again people and doing some different stuff as well for this Blog. come Back Next week and I will do something brand new soon enough.

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Sunday, January 22, 2017

Saban's Masked Rider Review Part 1

The Intro
Saban's Masked Rider (Adapted from Kamen Rider Black RX) is regarded as one of the (IF NOT THE) WORST Kamen Rider show period! This was yet another show that was adapted by Saban using Stock Footage from a Tokusatsu show. But unlike those other shows by Saban, this one is notoriously for being the black sheep for (in every bad way you could imagine). In fact, this show is so bad that even the creator of Kamen Rider himself Shotaro Iishinomori HATES this show also.

Now, what made this show differently was it got its starts as the premiere of Mighty Morphin Season 3 and aired its own series 2-week latter. While that was a good to even a brilliant idea of expanding the world of Power Rangers, it failed...HARD! But because this show failed hard that episode is shown more as a dream by Kimberly (unless you count that little nod and reference in that Master Vile and the Metallic armor 3 parter that is, and his head gem looks like Trip's from Time Force). So exactly how Bad is Saban's Masked Rider? What Made it that Saban will never Do another Kamen Rider series ever gain? And also is this the worst Saban shows that there is out theirs? Well, then let's get into action with Saban's Mask Rider!

Episode 1: Escape From Edenoi Part 1
Now each episode of Saban's Masked Rider begins with a prolog about the show which is pretty bad and will get to later when we talk about the music of this show. The Show PROPERTY starts with The Main character of the show Dex on his planet Edenoi saying goodbye to all his friends. His Grandfather The Kind of Edenoi himself is sending him to earth to protect the Masked Rider Powers from the Shows villain Count Dregon.

Count Dregon and his suborned (I don't care about them and I already can tell you to don't either) at first seem to have some inspiring charter to him. He is after all the uncle of Dex and was cast out for his evil deeds, where he then tries rules over Edenoi as revenge (and maybe killing his brother). While yes there are most definitely interesting concepts here, it really doesn't amount to anything what so ever after the introduction to his charter starting at episode 9 on worse. Because after the episode 9 mark he will be a Saturday morning cartoon villain who has no charter and is just evil, for the sake of evil.

When Dex arrives on Earth in the city of Leawood he is introduced to... A sitcom family! I mean they are the Stewart family but they are basically A typical sitcom family! You have Dumb fat Dad, The Mom that is sweet and does her own thing, The the daughter that goes to high school, and of course the annoying young kid for the kids which is so annoying and is just frustrating to watch! They even have wacky next door neighbors Patsy and her friend Herbie who were supposed to be like Bulk and Skull but just turn out to be lame and not at all that important to the story at all. And also the family is all mix races, no other way I could write that in other than mix families, and the times.

In the morning Count Dregon sends one of his monsters the Insectivores to attack Leawood, So Dex then goes after one of  Count Dregon's monster and transformers with his Ecto Accelerator and says the phrase, Ecto Phase Activate. Which for you people that think he is a Ghostbuster it is more like Ecto as in Exoskeleton: a rigid external covering for the body, Phase: a distinct period or stage in a process of change or forming part of something's development, Activate: Make. And YEAH I do have to admit I think that the transformation sequence is better than Black RX, I know people will hate but here me out. The belt and the 2 red gems from the belt become the eyes and the belt becomes the head which covers the body in an Exoskeleton armor. Compare to RX just has a bunch of sparks to recipients the sun and then POOF his suite is on... and also giving the audience a seizure.

Episode 2: Escape from Edenoi Part 2
So now we move on to the first fight of this show and... it's PRETTY TERRIBLE! The first and glaring fault in this whole fight scenes isn't even Black RX footage, this is from the Kamen Rider ZO Movie (YES REALLY)! This 1st fight scenes in the show best showcase how almost all of the fight scenes in this show are. A ton of short quick cuts from both American footage to stock Footage, stock footage just to use to burn stock footage, none of the American footage and Stock footage interacts with one another causing a great disconnect. Which then creates a confusing mess to keep track of and know what is going on at all (this is one of those things to see for yourself to know what I am talking about) and ends with a censored cop out of the monster getting destroyed. With the added disbenefit of your ears destroyed with Dex's sounding like Tommy with his own "EUAAAGH").

Now the first thing you are wondering why "WHY is the stock footage from Kamen Rider ZO like this in the first place?" and to that, I can answer with. The suits From Black RX were either too old and or damaged at that point where they could not be used at all. Hence why so much of this show is made up of stock footage whenever fights happen (but how and why they used ZO and J movie footage at all and in the first place is a question all in of its own?). It's also framed badly because this show, in general, is framed badly with Dex's finisher (The Electro Saber (with an awful green screen) which is then just used to shoot out a beam compared to RX just putting it in the enemy stones and killing him. This is another problem with the fights in this show because the are also edited heavily because Kamen Rider Black RX's fight scenes were more complex with hitting in the face and also could cut arm and limbs off compare to Sentai at that Point in time (just look at Amazon and the countless amount of blood in that show had).

But this also brings up a problem also when we see both the human character and the stock footage plays out (OK MMPR also had it that same problem they did work around, and at times also did have monster suits their to interact with the rangers themselves). And honestly, without the monsters themselves interacting with people, it is hard at points to even take the monster seriously themselves. But there was at least 1 set of American Made monster suits called the maggots... AND THEY JUST SUCK! They act just like the 3 stooges with their slapstick brand of humor and defeated by anyone... EVEN THE DAD OF THIS SHOW! But there was also another American made suit as well people and that suit were made for Ferbus.

Ferbus, Ferbus, Ferbus, Ferbus, FERBUS! Everyone hates Ferbus, and I so do mean everyone. This charter is just SO DAMN annoying and just makes this show even more of a chore to watch. The best way I can best describe this charter is Imagine every single annoying sidekick from every 80's cartoon and he still would not be annoying as them! But what makes Ferbus legitimately worse than them is that he causes more harm than good. On a weekly basis, he causes property damage to the town, or just being a dick to people.

And something people overlook is that Ferbus is not the dumb animal as you might think, BUT RATHER! He's intelligent with knowing how to use tools, knows how to use buttons on a game show, and can Drive a car, motorcycle, and finally an airplane. And all the while he is putting on this "CUTE" and dumb animal act the whole time when he is indeed a super intelligent being and he honestly does not care at all what happens since everything is just a game to Ferbus and he does not care about anyone else's feelings or if they are hurt or not. Ferbus is like the Abarekiller or even the Kamen Rider Genm levels of crazy evil!

I can tell now you are going like "Can you stop complaining and finally start with the real plot of the show already!" all I say to that THEIR IS NO DAMN PLOT IN THIS SHOW! This is basically MMPR season 1 ALL OVER AGAIN! But at this point, MMPR started to have more serialized storytelling compare to this show where it is episodic and just doing MMPR season 1 just because it has fighting and explosions like that and that is all you need (a lesson that Saban still has not learned apparently Neo Saban Era). Ass such, most of this show is made up of stupid 1 off filler episodes that are either cringe or just plain dumb, too bad PSA's or just reeks of the 90's looking back at it now!

This show should have had ended episode 1 all because of te Mask Rider Powers! Yeah, I haven't brought it up till now but the Mask Rider Powers can do anything that Dax wants. For example, his powers can allow Dex to put people to sleep, run super fast, summon a Car and motorcycle (that has the voice of Beelzemon From Digimon Tamers!) from his forehead, be TELEPORTING ANYWHERE HE WANTS (even count Dregon's SHIP), and most Damning of All turning people from stone to flesh! living I mean what can't his powers does I mean. Not to mention also his bike and the car can also take down Count Dregon ship with electricity and pull it down to earth Orbit! And for some reason, this show was 40 episodes LONG!

The Same can be said about the villains too since they can spy on Dex when and where ever they want to, even right in front of him. Rita could do the same on the rangers but there was also a limit on what she could do. I could again just list off and go into detail on why they are all dumb but all you need to know is this. They can teleport things into Dex's house, and instead of a bomb and kill his family they just sent a cupcake for ferbus to eat and make him grow and cause havoc. I know things should have had ended episode 1. So is there ANY good episodes remotely in this show at all?  Well, actually there is at least 1 OK episode.

Episode 7 & 8 Super Gold
Back on the planet Edenoi, Dex's Grandfather asks Dex friend to go to earth and gives Dex a crystal which will increase his power to super Gold. But Count Dregon get his best friend (somehow since he use the maggots to capture him) his friend is on board Count Dregon's ship. Count Dregon then reveals that he too has been making his own Mask Rider Powers and with the help of the crystal Dex Friend is then brainwash by Count Dregon and he turns him into Robo Rider. Now the name Robo Rider is a reference to RX's form that is the Super Gold form in this show. Yes, they are using the Shadow Moon suite in this show and I will get to how I feel on that later (because you would be surprised by the answer).

Now Dex is then faced with fighting his friend who is brainwash and needs to try and make him snap out of it, So Dex reminds him good old times when they were apart Edenoi. Though really it was just a shot of both of them saying goodbye to one another when they send Dex to Earth. Which makes Dex Friend snap out of his brainwash which in return he gives Dex the Cryptical to make Dex go Super Gold. Which again another point on the American side of things with the transformation sequence with the light up glow effects. After that mess is all done with Dex's Friend then leaves Earth and goes back to Edenoi. But will be back to give Dex his Super Blue power (which that is a normal filler 1 off episode compare to this one).

Would you believe me that this is one of the better interpretations of Shadow Moon? I'm Serious, Shadow Moon suite appearance in the show is one of the better appearances of the Shadow Moon role. Don't get me wrong it's a mind control plot while nothing revolutionary, this is still acceptable compared to how Toei has represented the charter post-RX. Now originally I had a plethora of stuff listed out for this review on "Why is Shadow Moon treated poorly?" But that I then realize that it could become its own blog post one day so I decided to do that instead. So I guess we will move on to the final episode then shall we.

Episode 37: The Invasion of Leawood
Now, this is chronically the final episode of the show if we go by a plot. Otherwise, the last episode of the show is a dumb filler episode because this was a last minute ordeal. The episode begins with the Count Dregon attacking Leawood and pronouncing that Leawood will be destroyed by his newest monster Bronticon unless The Masked Rider comes and gives him the powers. Dex is worried about what to do but he asks his grandfather for some help and his grandfather then proceeds to have the help of the Mask Rider warriors.

YEAH, The Mask Rider Warriors AKA The Showa Riders Pre Black, AND they have excited this whole time and we are just learning about them now apparently! Yes, they are using the footage of the Showa Riders in this show from the Last episode of RX. I'll get to why this is bad in a bit. So When Dex fights Bronticon he's about to lose but that is when The Masked Rider Worriers help get Dex out of there. When Dex recovers he sees the other Mask Rider Warriors and they screw up on the naming.

Because Kamen Rider Nigo looks similar to Ichigo and also Riderman has a Japanese face which basically games the Meme of Kamen Rider Skyrider saying that he is Amazon (yet ZX was left intact HUH). After recovering Dex and the other Masked Rider Warriors go after Bronticon which they do defeat with Dex going Super Blue and also for some reason MAYBE Count Dregon is defeated (IDK the final scene with him was very hard to make out). So the show ends with Dex's Grandfather telling him he did a good job and he will have a son who will also Be a Masked Rider. But that will never happen because Shotaro Iishinomori hated this show so much he and Toei never wanted Saban to do another Kamen Rider adaption ever AGAIN! which is why Saban's Masked Rider has still not gotten a DVD yet and why all of the still images of this show are low quality.

The ending just OK but rather quick. I mean like with it comes to the Mask Rider Warriors just appear and no back story to them at all what so ever and really all that they do is just stand around in the background and just fight... which can also be said about Black RX . But editing review this and thinking about this now why didn't the Mask Rider Warriors help Edenoi against Count Dregon, which shows more that this show DID NOT NEED TO EXIST! Also more Masked Rider Warriors extic from outer space... hehehe

Best Episode: Episode 8 Super Gold
Worst Episode: Episode 13 Stranger from the North (you'll know next week)

Part 2

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Friday, January 20, 2017

Power Rangers 2017 Movie *OFFICIAL TRAILER!* Thoughts

THIS TRAILER, THIS... TRAILER MAN! SO EPIC! which really that is all I have to say
I haven't seen a movie trailer this good or I have been excited for in such a long time and it was just so DAMN EPIC! I just want it NOW because I enjoyed it that much. I can not begin to tell you how many times I watch it on Youtube!

It has taken forever but here it is the OFFICIAL Power Rangers 2017 movie TRAILER is finally out now and again it was so damn epic. looking at the Youtube Video it has almost 6,000,000 views with 60,000 likes and 5,000 dislikes which I have to say is pretty good, it was even trending at #1 on Youtube for quite some time when Logan and Kong Skull Island Trailer came out the same day, but thrown by the Gorillaz new song but still #2 which is good still.  many people (including myself) where were men in the movie are now like WOW and this trailer aways them into liking this movie because this movie is just so awesome looking. So here I will be giving a reaction to my thoughts on the moive (but no pictures sry but this is how it works now saddly but you can still see the movie footage from the trailer).

The Trailer begins dark feeling that was featured in the trailer with them admitting that they are all screw ups. But the trailer changes quickly and we get a comedic moment when the rangers fall down the crack and their powers are glowing when Zack says that he is black when Billy says that he is not (because of inside joke with the show). We then get a shot of the command center which is an alien space ship which is no surprise really if you think about it.

We also now see what Bryan Cranston looks like as Zordon which looks pretty nice. Granted it looks like Bryan Cranston's face on one of those 3D Pin art toys. And his voice is not deepened at all or modified, BUT IT'S Bryan Cranston so that's all you need! But back to Zordon design, a lot of people seem to love it with it being a moving wall for more dynamic angles which honestly is much welcomed instead of being just a floating head in a tube. We also get Alpha 5 who is still OK (if only because of the eyes but still better in motion than a still image. 
Cut to Trini talking to her Brothers I assume and she is saying that they went to a space ship where they became superheroes where her mom tells her to pee in that cup which yeah some more adult humor (which even I chuckled at it). Later on, Rita appears who has some green stuff growing from her body... Green Ranger confirmed for the sequel? but also the Putties where are more monstrous this time and an actual threat that you need to Morph as soon as possible. 

The next show is than Jason (I believe) says it's morphing time where everyone transforms, on this pad. Which THAT could actually be a reference to Himitsu Sentai Goranger! Where the GoRangers themselves could only transform that way, But maybe later on in the movie, they will get the Morpher to morph at free wills, like near the end. which THAT"S cool. Next is this BADASS shot of them all walking tougher which that is just incredible, and did do a superhero pose (Deadpool would be so proud). Let's talk about the suites for a second, up to this point the suits were not the best design (Still aren't)  but looking at the suits in motion like how they are, they all look wonderful and glorious (which means I can still keep calling ToQGer the worst design sentai Suits ever). 

Now we come to the part of the trailer where I feel like this will be a great movie. It's where Billy is kicking some Putties and it dawns on me that just now why I love this scene so much. in this show this 1 shot there is NO a shaky cam, NO fights at night time, NO super close up on the charter (on your point of view). BUT clear, focus, and can see everything that is happing. I mean name me the last time where there was an action movie that did NOT have the shaky cam, Fight scenes at night time, and was not super close up where you could not see what was happening in the last 5 years!

now we get to the Zords where they look pretty good... for what they are with a robot mammoth having 8 legs, I mean rendering wise the designs still take it or leave it (in the desert of Arizona). And for some reason, the rangers are helmetless when they are in the cockpits of the Megazord, weird. And Goldar which... YEAH! We also get to what I would also say is the other part of this movie Jason helping out this man or his dad in this car and showing his fist of him which yeah is truly heroics, so suck it BVS! 

And this trailer ends with The Megazord rising from the dust and Holy Crap was epic when the Megazord punched Goldar in the face. But The Megazord itself it looks pretty nice, I mean it looks more like a Pacific Rim looking robot compares to the original Megazord but this is still nice design we do have here. And HAY it could be worse it could be a Bayformer where it has metal hanging all over te place, but here it is done well. and that MMPR theme at the end of the trailer, perfect!

Now there are some things I also want to add to this with 1. The CGI in the movie I mean the rendering for it is so Damn great looking like the really top notch for sure. 2nd did you notes that when Zordon's face arose from the wall there was a red wave, and how his makeshift putties also have a red glow to them? WHICH could prove that point people were saying that Zordon cold indeed is the Red Ranger and maybe that shot of the Red Ranger crawling from the muddy water be from a flashback with him as the Red Ranger? Lastly, Zordon say's that Power Rangers were a Legion of warriors, which could lead itself other Power Rangers from the Past (like Lost Galaxy Rangers? or other Rangers to that caliber?) 

So I loved this movie trailer if you could not tell by now and 100% on this hype train. In the entire movie Trailer, I was just smiling from having so much fun. And to you, naysayers and will think that this will just be another Fan4stic NO IT WON'T! This movie looks so good and will bring Justice to the Name Power Rangers. I really think it is a time that Power Rangers is back in the Publics eye and 2017 is looking to be a good year for Power Ranger Fans!

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Thursday, January 19, 2017

Power Rangers 2017 movie *OFFICIAL TRAILER!*

Today the OFFICIAL Power Rangers 2017 movie trailer aired today, while the first trailer was well, to be honest, it looked just about like every single DC comic book movie ever with some fun stuff sprinkled in to make it ok. Which everyone was like this looks bad and for months now the marketing and hype has gone down. until today with this OFFICIAL TRAILER came today and was FREAKIN AWESOME! talk about a complete 180 for this movie.

I wish I could do more of an analyzes on this trailer but SRY this time guys I have to attend the Masked Rider Review more. not saying that I will to an analysis of this trailer or not but this trailer is awesome and I am so hyped for this movie. And this movie SO does not look like it will be a disgrace to the name Power Rangers AT ALL.

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Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Digimon Tri Blu-Ray and DVD release information


So today we now FINALLY after waiting for a long time we now know when the Digimon Tri Bluray and DVD American distribution rights and now we finally know the answer to that and it's awesome Shout Factory that now has the Rights to release part's 1-3 with both American and Japanese Audio on DVD, Blu-ray, and legal digital Download. Thier has been no price or date given to the release of the Blu ray's and DVD's and legal digital download BUT if you live in the UK Manga UK Part 1 will release on March 20th of this year. This is very awesome news since this is Shout Factory and all and has gained so much trust from the Power Rangers fandom with their Power Rangers and Super Sentai releases (now if only the can get the rights from new video Group for the other seasons)!

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