I love
Abarangers, I have made that clear in the past with me reviewing the show and
also saying how much love I have to worse the show from it's charters, plot, and of
course AbareKiller. Also added to the fact Naruhisa Arakawa is the head writer of this show and he is my favorite waiter. And now I'an here reviewing the movie for
Abarangers which makes me which it was summer, it is getting warmer but still
it’s still February and still cold outside.
The movie
begin 15 years ago on Dino Earth with a man reading a story to some kids about
some time ago where Bakuryuus trying to freeze the plant and kill other Bakuryuus
(NO I will not make the obvious joke here) and they were sealed away by a
princess named (OK I can can’t help myself :P)
Named princes Furijia. She was the one that sealed
the Bakuryuus with a sword, also one of the kids is a baby Asuka. Cut to present
day in Antarctica with 2 pilots (that speak English BTW) find an iceberg that appeared
a year and a half ago and the iceberg suddenly breaks open and we see 2 Bakuryuus
release from the iceberg (more on them latter).
After the opening tittle of the movie (also gotta love the
fact that the movie has deluxe in the name) the rest of the Abarangers are
enjoying themselves when the princess appears and ask them for some help.
The movie exclusive Torinoid appears
to try and get the princes, now the Evolian have always been these crazy
designs and themes to them but this one takes the cake because this one is part
fireworks, bikini, acne, Venus, eggplant, and part bees called Hexanoid
Firebikinuac, after a very fan survives shot of Emiri and Ranru looking hot is bikinis
(and the guys in bikinis if you are into that) They get away.

The Princes explains
that the 2 Burstosaur are release from the iceberg when Evolien sent them to
earth a year and a half ago, and the only thing that can sealed them is sword
of the seal or aba blade called the BakuLaser. Now if you say it looks like the
normal Abalaser then you are right this is just a remold/ repaint of the original
Abalaser, but it looks awesome in color sceme and bigger looking blade. The only way to find the
other half of the sword is using the Dino Guts and Ryouga is the one to offer and
is the main provider of doing this and find the other sword is located in Tokyo.
Also in one scene I swear this one sailor
looks like Kyoryu Cyan, I mean he speaker English, have brown hair, he's wide, so
yah, also the Bakuryuus are scared of the Burstosaur so you know that the Burstosaur
are the real deal when the Bakuryuus start calling them the devil.

On the
way to Tokyo Hexanoid Firebikinuac Venus reappears and Ryouga and princess go to get the sword while the rest of
the Abarangers go to fight Hexanoid Firebikinuac Venus. Hexanoid Firebikinuac Venus unleashes her most powerfulest
weapon and “what is that weapon?” you may ask while it is a DEADLY BEE WEAPON,
MY GOSH! And I do mean that her bees shrink Yukito and creates a bunch of
Ranrus (which she gets them to go away by say to them there is a sale proving
that girls really do want to do nothing but shop (apology to my female audience).
They defeat Hexanoid Firebikinuac by Yukito changing (saying Mini Mini Change
and that’s adorable) and going into Hexanoid Firebikinuac stomic and killed her
from the inside with also changing Yukito back to normal size.
use more of his dino guts to find the other half of the sword but then Jannu
appears in the Cursed Armor and attacks Ryouga. And we see another movie
exclusive thing for this movie, that being a rope from the Dino Brace.
Furijia and
Ryouga find the 2nd half of the blade is located at Tv Asahi (I would say they just
broke the 4th wall but they did that already with Emiri).
and the princes then find the 2nd half of the sword and they fix it
with Ryouga giving more of his Dino Guts which makes him really
weak in the proces. And now who shale appear AbareKiller being well AbareKiller wanting the sword to seek some
When the BakuLaser is fully restore Furijia says she wants to help Ryouga
and saying she want to help protect the world BUT… it’s not the real princess but a monster insted (There is a scene where the monster is poping out of the body of
princess body and it looks really messed up and sick and I LOVE IT). He call himself as Dimensional
Drifter Galvidi (I will continue to call him D.D. Galvidi. The rest of the movie since that is shorter to say, also lets
me get away with making a Yugioh reference).
Galvidi design looks really good and I want a Figuart of him, for that matter
Tamashii give me Abaranger Figuarts NOW.
AbareKiller then ask him to allies with him and then use
arrows to attack him. But the BakuLaser makes D.D. Galvidi is powerful enough
to actually take down AbareKiller (YAH THEY ARE TOTALLY SCREW NOW).
In the
morning the 2 Bakuryuus finally make it to shore and the 2 Burstosaurs are Burstosaur
Chasmoshildon and Burstosaur Chasmoshildon, now both Burstosaur Chasmoshildon
and Burstosaur Chasmoshildon are a simple repaint/ remold of Bakuryuu rex and Bakuryuu
Triceratops but the dinos are now change, Triceratops is now a Chasmosaurus
(same thing as Triceratops but smaller horns and bigger shield head) and Rex is
now a Carnotaurus. The toy for this was even release in the US changed all the purple and light green
to red because BOA think that purple and light green is too much of a girl
color and then just changed it to red which gives it the colors of the American
flag which is obvious this was done IN AMERICA. Also it came with the green VER. of Bakuryuu
Pteranodon for some reason.

Now what makes the Bakuryuus so power full is that
they have the power to use ice from their mouths. D.D. Galvidi is planning to
make the Burstosaurs his puppets and freeze earth.All the Abarangers arrive and morph (and
just like all Sentai movies it is not till the last fight where the team do
there group Henshin tougher), what happens next is awesome with a shot of all the Bakuryuus
marching to fight the Burstosaus what is even made better is that AbareKiller
is letting his Bakuryuus fight as well so this just tells you how serious this
is. It's sad that this is only a few minutes we do see the Bakuryuu fighting the Burstosaurs, with the Auxiliary Bakuryuus and Brachiosaurus getting frozen.

The Abarangers fight D.D.
Galvidi but we see he can pull a wolverine and Kamen Rider Gills by growing giant
claws from his body (also he has a side laser on him are BAD FREAKIN ASS) which gives the Abarangers a tough time until they go super
mode with Ryouga being first and a totaly charging at him while being shot by lasers but does nothing to him.

The Abarangers are about to finish D.D. Galvidi with the Super
Dino Bomber but he then quickly attack them with the sword and get's away and then combine both Burstosaur
Chasmoshildon and Burstosaur Chasmoshildon to make Bakuren-Oh. It looks awesome just that just that purple
and teal make that mecha looks so well done I like it a lot,just the
light green frails on the side for the chest is what really helps this make
this different from Abaren-Oh, also what is helped he is using his weapons more
like a shield and sword which makes this more different in the process and they also in
transformation they freeze the whole plant. The Abarangers form Abaren-Oh with
some re done CGI to match the sounding area which is a nice touch, both Bakuren-Oh
and Abaren-Oh fight and Abaren-Oh just get WRECKED completed and other defeat.
It gets worst when Bakuren-Oh get Abaren-Oh drill arm and pretty much defeats
him. AbareBlack then uses his Fire Inferno from his sword to free the Auxiliary
Bakuryuus from there prison and Abaren-Oh get his arm back.

Then both AbareKiller
Bakuryuus and Abaren-Oh combine tougher to make Killer Abaren-Oh, it’s nice
looking but OoAbaren-Oh still looks more awesomer but still nice looking. HOWEVER what I will say is the
final attack from Killer Abaren-Oh is freakin awesome being able to use every single Auxiliary
Bakuryuus and “finishing Bakuren-Oh” with a flying drill spin (but of course Bakuren-Oh
comes back again in the 3 episodes before the end of the series).
Galvidi is still alive and then Ryouga get the sword and then what happens next
is the most BADASS THING EVER DONE, Ryouga gets on Bakuryuu
rex then Bakuryuu rex spins Ryouga on his tail then Ryouga Kills D.D. Galvidi there
is only one way I can describe that, Ryouga YOU ARE THE MOST BADASS MOTHER FUCKER
And then shows another awesome shot of all the Bakuryuus being
tougher, SUPER BADASS!
The movie ends with their actually being a princess and saying thinks
and glad the Abarangers help and then gives Ryouga a kiss and the sword vanishing to never be seen again and the Abarangers off too
enjoy the rest of their summer vacation. AND THEN We are the ONE ~Bokura wa Hitotsuin plays and as I said
before I love this show BUT GOD THIS SONG, just THIS SONG.
There are some
end credits of Evolien finally having Bakuren-Oh but then Rije breaking the 4th
wall and saying the movie is over and it’s time for the Kamen Rider Faiz movie
(AND NO I will not be reviewing that next because 1. look at my review list, and 2. frankly since I still remember Faiz actions from the GOD AWEFUL Kamen Rider
Taisen Movie it will still be a while before I touch anything Faiz for a while,
also FUCK Kamen Rider Taisen (I had to put somewhere in this review).
Overall 5/5
This movie was a very fun
and enjoyable
I did really enjoy this movie a lot and even
working on this review I enjoy writing this as well and also this movie does a
lot of good as well. For the charters they are all well define in the movie instead
of the modern Sentai movie where it just red 1 or 2 other just going on the journey
and selling the movie exclusive toys. Ryouga is awesome as always, Yukito was
himself being smart and knew how to defeat the first monster Ranru sadly did do
not too much but got her clones away and hew she was in that Bikini that made
her look hot which is a point from me, while I did not bring it up it was nice
to see some more of Asuka and his background and was probably shocking when he
saw the princess was not really the princes and also probably pissed at Ryouga he
got the kiss, and Dr. Nikita is always AbareKiller but know when he had to help
the Abarangers. D.D. Galvidi I personally thought was a good villain since he
was not a part of Evolian it made sense why he would be stronger then the
Abarangers and with the BakuLaser he was a mach for AbareKiller since that sealed 2 dinosaures. also where he came from, the only thing that I thought was well
to his charter is his motivation or LACK there. Bakuren-Oh was hyped and was
totally worth it the have the power to basically freeze everything and could
even take Abaren-Oh parts and probably even forced the Bakuryuus to combine
with them, it was not easy defeating him either the Abarangers had to use ALL
THE BAKURYUUS to defeat him and even then he still came back just before the
final episode and it was piloted by the big bad of the show. The pasting
started out slow in the begging but wanted to get everything like charter and
stuff like that, and finally the comedy was Abaranger funny. I really did not
have a problem with the movie that I could have had think of the only thing I guess
is Voffa trying to make a monster and that did not happen because he did get
the Bakuren-Oh in the end. And I guess since this did get a 5/5 this movie is worthy enough to get the
The Prodigious Award Seal of Approval™ an award reserved for only the best of the best and must be seen by all.
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